tsr 0.3.3 release notes

Welcome to tsr 0.3.3!

These release notes cover the new features and backwards incompatible changes you’ll want to be aware of when upgrading from tsr 0.3.2 or older versions.

What’s new in tsr 0.3.3


  • Add an option to use Redis instead of beanstalkd for work queue

In order to use Redis, you need to change the configuration file:

queue: redis
  host: "localhost"
  port: 6379
  db: 4
  password: "your-password"

All settings are optional (queue will still default to “beanstalkd”), refer to configuration docs for more details.

Other improvements and bugfixes

  • Do not depend on Docker code
  • Improve the layout of the documentation
  • Fix multiple data races in tests
  • [BUGFIX] fix bug with unit-add and application image
  • [BUGFIX] fix image replication on docker nodes

Backwards incompatible changes

tsr 0.3.3 does not introduce any incompatible changes.