.. Copyright 2013 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Build your own PaaS with tsuru and Docker on Centos +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This document describes how to create a private PaaS service using tsuru and docker on Centos. This document assumes that tsuru is being installed on a Centos (6.4+) machine. You can use equivalent packages for beanstalkd, git, MongoDB and other tsuru dependencies. Please make sure you satisfy minimal version requirements. Just follow this steps: DNS server ---------- You can integrate any DNS server with tsuru. Here: ``_ you can find a example of how to install a DNS server integrated with tsuru Docker ------ To make docker working on a RHEL/Centos distro, you will need to use the `EPEL repository `_, build a kernel with `AUFS `_ support, and install all dependencies as following: .. highlight:: bash :: # Installing the EPEL respository $ rpm -iUvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm $ yum update -y Here you can install our own kernel+lxc+docker or compile them To install our RPM package ready to go: .. highlight:: bash :: # Installing the EPEL respository # rpm -iUvh http://tsuru.s3.amazonaws.com/centos/docker-0.6.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm \ http://tsuru.s3.amazonaws.com/centos/lxc-0.8.0-3.el6.x86_64.rpm \ http://tsuru.s3.amazonaws.com/centos/lxc-libs-0.8.0-3.el6.x86_64.rpm \ http://tsuru.s3.amazonaws.com/centos/kernel-ml-aufs-3.10.11-1.el6.x86_64.rpm To Compile, just follow these steps .. highlight:: bash :: # Download the kernel + dependencies for docker $ yum install fedora-packager -y # you will need to perform these steps bellow with a unprivileged user, ex: su - tsuru $ git clone https://github.com/sciurus/docker-rhel-rpm $ cd docker-rhel-rpm # Remove auto restart of docker, as it will be managed by circus $ sed -i 's|^%{_sysconfdir}/init/docker.conf||; s/.*source1.*//i' docker/docker.spec Now, just follow the steps to build the kernel + lxc + docker from `here: https://github.com/sciurus/docker-rhel-rpm/blob/master/README.md `_ .. highlight:: bash :: # In order to use docker, you will need to allow the ip forward $ grep ^net.ipv4.ip_forward /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 && \ sed -i 's/^net.ipv4.ip_forward.*/net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1/' /etc/sysctl.conf || \ echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf $ sysctl -p # You also need to disable selinux, adding the parameter "selinux=0" in your new kernel 3.10 (/boot/grub/grub.conf) $ grep selinux=0 /boot/grub/menu.lst # Turn off your default firewall rules for now $ service iptables stop $ chkconfig iptables off After build, install and reboot the server with the new kernel(it will take some time), you will need to install the tsuru's dependencies Tsuru's Dependencies -------------------- Tsuru needs MongoDB stable, distributed by 10genr, `Beanstalkd `_ as work queue, git-daemon(necessary for Gandalf) and Redis for `hipache `_ pt-ge Install the latest EPEL version, by doing this: .. highlight:: bash :: $ yum install mongodb-server beanstalkd git-daemon redis python-pip python-devel gcc gcc-c++ -y $ service mongod start $ service beanstalkd start $ service redis start $ chkconfig mongod on $ chkconfig beanstalkd on $ chkconfig redis on Tsuru Setup ----------- Tsuru uses `Gandalf `_ to manage `git repositories `_, and `hipache `_ as router To setup Tsuru, just follow this steps. Obs: It can be used to upgrade this services as needed .. highlight:: bash :: $ curl https://raw.github.com/globocom/tsuru/master/misc/functions-docker-centos.sh -o functions-docker-centos.sh $ source functions-docker-centos.sh # Install Tsuru Server(tsr), Gandalf, Hipache and Circus for monitoring $ install_services Configuring ~~~~~~~~~~~ Before running tsuru, you must configure it. By default, tsuru will look for the configuration file in the ``/etc/tsuru/tsuru.conf`` path. You can check a sample configuration file and documentation for each tsuru setting in the :doc:`"Configuring tsuru" ` page. You can download the sample configuration file from `Github `_ By default, this configuration will use the tsuru image namespace, so if you try to create an application using python platform, tsuru will search for an image named tsuru/python. You can change this default behavior by changing the docker:repository-namespace config field. To automatically configure tsuru and all other services, just run the function presented in functions-docker-centos.sh file, as following .. highlight:: bash :: # It will configure tsuru, gandalf, hipache and circus. If you had already done that before, your previously configuration will be lost $ source functions-docker-centos.sh #you already did it above $ configure_services_for_first_time # start circus $ initctl start circusd At that time, circus should be running and started all the tsuru services Running ~~~~~~~ Now that you have ``tsr`` properly installed, and you :doc:`configured tsuru ` Verify api, collector and docker-ssh-agent .. highlight:: bash :: $ ps -ef|grep ts[r] Creating Docker Images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now it's time to install the docker images for your neededs platform. You can build your own docker image, or you can use ours own images as following .. highlight:: bash :: # Add an alias for docker to make your life easier (add it to your .bash_profile) $ alias docker='docker -H' # Build the wanted platform, here we are adding the static platform(webserver) $ docker build -t tsuru/static https://raw.github.com/flaviamissi/basebuilder/master/static/Dockerfile # Now you can see if your image is ready - you should see the tsuru/static as an repository $ docker images # If you want all the other platforms, just run the command bellow $ for image in nodejs php python ruby; do docker build -t tsuru/$image https://raw.github.com/flaviamissi/basebuilder/master/$image/Dockerfile;done # To see if everything went well - just take a look in the repository column $ docker images # Now try to create your apps! Using tsuru =========== Congratulations! At this point you should have a working tsuru server running on your machine, follow the :doc:`tsuru client usage guide ` to start build your apps. Adding Services =============== Here you will find a complete step-by-step example of how to install a mysql service with tsuru: `http://docs.tsuru.io/en/latest/services/mysql-example.html `_