.. Copyright 2013 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOWTO Install a MySQL service +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First, you must have a `MariaDB server `_, the best "mysql" server in the market. You can also use the standard mysql-server. .. highlight:: bash :: # Ubuntu 13.04 $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common $ sudo gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys CBCB082A1BB943DB $ sudo gpg -a --export CBCB082A1BB943DB | apt-key add - $ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/MariaDB/repo/10.0/ubuntu raring main' $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install mariadb-server .. highlight:: bash :: # Centos - creating the mariadb repository $ cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo < GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'tsuru'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' with GRANT OPTION; > FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Now, you will install our mysql-api service example. Just create an application that will be responsible for this service .. highlight:: bash :: # Create a database for this service (change the for your mysql server host) $ echo "CREATE DATABASE mysqlapi" | mysql -h -u tsuru -ppassword # In a machine with tsuru client and crane installed $ git clone https://github.com/globocom/mysqlapi # Create the mysqlapi application using python as its platform. $ tsuru app-create mysql-api python In order to have mysql API ready to receive requests, we need some bootstrap stuff. .. highlight:: bash :: #First export the django settings variable: $ tsuru env-set --app mysql-api DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysqlapi.settings # Inject the right environment for that service $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_DB_NAME=mysqlapi $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_DB_USER=tsuru $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_DB_PASSWORD=password $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_DB_HOST= # To show the application's repository $ tsuru app-info -a mysql-api|grep Repository Repository: git@ $ git push git@ master #Now gunicorn is able to run with our wsgi.py configuration. After that, we need to run syncdb: $ tsuru run --app mysql-api -- python manage.py syncdb --noinput To run the API in shared mode, follow this steps .. highlight:: bash :: # First export the needed variables: # If the shared mysql database is installed in the same vm that the app is, you can use localhost for MYSQLAPI_SHARED_SERVER $ tsuru env-set --app mysql-api MYSQLAPI_SHARED_SERVER= # Here you'll also need to set up a externally accessible endpoint to be used by the apps that are using the service $ tsuru env-set --app mysql-api MYSQLAPI_SHARED_SERVER_PUBLIC_HOST= # Here the mysql user to manage the shared databases $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_SHARED_USER=tsuru $ tsuru env-set -a mysql-api MYSQLAPI_SHARED_PASSWORD=password More information about the ways you can work with that api you can found `here `_. Now you should have your application working. You just need to submit the mysqlapi service via crane. The manifest.yaml is used by crane to define an id and an endpoint to your service. For more details, see the text "Services API Workflow": http://docs.tsuru.io/en/latest/services/api.html To submit your new service, you can run: .. highlight:: bash :: # Configure the service template and point it to the application service (considering that your domain is cloud.company.com) $ cat manifest.yaml id: mysqlapi endpoint: production: mysql-api.cloud.company.com $ crane create manifest.yaml To list your services: .. highlight:: bash :: $ crane list #OR $ tsuru service-list This will return something like: .. highlight:: bash :: +----------+-----------+ | Services | Instances | +----------+-----------+ | mysqlapi | | +----------+-----------+ It would be nice if your service had some documentation. To add a documentation to you service you can use: .. highlight:: bash :: $ crane doc-add mysqlapi doc.txt Crane will read the content of the file and save it. To show the current documentation of your service: .. highlight:: bash :: $ crane doc-get mysqlapi doc-get will retrieve the current documentation of the service. Further instructions ==================== Now you can add this service for your applications using the `bind `_ command For a complete reference, check the documentation for `crane `_ command: `http://godoc.org/github.com/globocom/tsuru/cmd/crane `_.