======================= tsr 0.4.0 release notes ======================= Welcome to tsr 0.4.0! These release notes cover the `new features`_ and `backwards incompatible changes`_ you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from tsr 0.3.x or older versions. .. _`new features`: `What's new in tsr 0.4.0`_ What's new in tsr 0.4.0 ======================= * redis queue backend was refactored. * fixed output when service doesn't export environment variables (`#772 `_) Docker ------ * refactored unit creation to be more atomic * support for unit-agent (`#633 `_) - tsuru unit agent repository: https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru-unit-agent * added an administrative command to move and rebalance containers between nodes (`#646 `_) - docs about rebalance: http://docs.tsuru.io/en/latest/apps/tsuru-admin/usage.html#containers-rebalance * memory swap limit is configurable (`#764 `_) * added a command to add a new platform (`#780 `_) - docs about `platform-add` command: http://docs.tsuru.io/en/latest/apps/tsuru-admin/usage.html#platform-add Backwards incompatible changes ============================== The s3 integration on app creation was removed. The config properties `bucket-support`, `aws:iam` `aws:s3` was removed too. You should use `tsuru` cli 0.9.0 and `tsuru-admin` 0.3.0 version.