.. Copyright 2014 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ++++++++++++ Coding style ++++++++++++ Please follow these coding standards when writing code for inclusion in tsuru. Formatting ========== * Follow the `go formatting style `_ Naming standards ================ New -------------- is used by the `constructor`: :: NewApp(name string) (*App, error) Add -------------- is a `method` of a type that has a collection of 's. Should receive an instance of : :: func (a *App) AddUnit(u *Unit) error Add --- is a collection `method` that adds one or more elements: :: func (a *AppList) Add( apps ...*App) error Create ----------------- it's a `function` that's save an instance of in the database. Should receives an instance of . :: func CreateApp(a *App) error Delete ----------------- it's a `function` that's delete an instance of from database. Remove ----------------- it's opposite of Add.