Adding Nodes¶
Nodes are a physical or virtual machines with a Docker installation.
Nodes can be either created manually, by provisioning a machine and installing Docker on it, in which case they have to be registered in tsuru. Or they can be automatically managed by tsuru, which will handle machine provisioning and Docker installation using your IaaS configuration.
The automatically managed option is preferred starting with tsuru 0.6.0. There are advantages like automatically healing and scaling of Nodes which will be implemented in the future.
The sections below describe how to add managed nodes and manually created nodes respectively.
Managed nodes¶
First step is configuring your IaaS provider in your tsuru.conf file. Please see the details in IaaS configuration
Assuming you’re using EC2, this will be something like:
default: ec2
node-protocol: http
node-port: 4243
key-id: xxxxxxxxxxx
secret-key: yyyyyyyyyyyyy
After you have everything configured, adding a new docker done is done by calling docker-node-add in tsuru-admin command. This command will receive a map of key=value params which are IaaS dependant. A list of possible key params can be seen calling:
$ tsuru-admin docker-node-add iaas=ec2
EC2 IaaS required params:
image=<image id> Image AMI ID
type=<instance type> Your template uuid
Optional params:
region=<region> Chosen region, defaults to us-east-1
securityGroup=<group> Chosen security group
keyName=<key name> Key name for machine
Every key=value pair will be added as a metatada to the Node and you can send After registering your node, you can list it calling docker-node-list
$ tsuru-admin docker-node-add iaas=ec2 image=ami-dc5387b4 region=us-east-1 type=m1.small securityGroup=my-sec-group keyName=my-key
Node successfully registered.
$ tsuru-admin docker-node-list
| Address | IaaS ID | Status | Metadata |
| | i-xxxxxxxx | waiting | iaas=ec2 |
| | | | image=ami-dc5387b4 |
| | | | keyName=my-key |
| | | | region=us-east-1 |
| | | | securityGroup=my-sec-group |
| | | | type=m1.small |
Manually created nodes¶
To add a previously provisioned nodes you call the
docker-node-add with the --register
flag and setting
the address key with the URL of the Docker API in the remote node.
The docker API must be responding in the referenced address. To instructions about how to install docker on your node, please refer to Docker documentation
$ tsuru-admin docker-node-add --register address=