
Release Process

We use GitHub’s milestones to releases’ planning and anyone is free to suggest an issue to a milestone, and discuss about any issue in the next tsuru release. We also have internal goals as listed bellow and our focus will be on these goals. But they are not immutable, we can change any goal at any time as community need.

At, we have goals by quarter of a year (short term goals bellow), but it doesn’t mean that there’s only one release per quarter. Our releases have one or more main issues and minor issues which can be minor bugfixes, ground work issue and other “not so important but needed” issues.

You can suggest any issue to any milestones at any time, and we’ll discuss it in the issue or in Gitter.

Next Release (1.0)

  • API versioning
  • Deploy app from Dockerfile or Docker image #1314
  • tsuru apps have a description info #1327
  • add a route to update app data like: description, pool and plan #1328