.. Copyright 2017 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ++++++++++ App-Deploy ++++++++++ Overview ++++++++ This is a hands on guide to deploy a simple app using tsuru's CLI ``app deploy`` command. Creating a app ++++++++++++++ To create an app, you need to use the command `app create`: .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app create Deploying an app ++++++++++++++++ To deploy your first app after choosing your ```` and ````, we can deploy It using this template: .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app deploy -a As an example we can deploy a tutorial app named ``hello world``: .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app deploy -a helloworld . With the command below we'll be able to deploy our first app ``helloworld`` that is situated on the current directory (``"."``). Ignoring files and directories ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To deploy smaller applications you are allowed to ignore files and/or directories using a file named ``.tsuruignore`` that needs to be on your app's root directory. After using `app deploy`, ``.tsuruignore`` will be read and each line will be considered a pattern to be ignored, so anything that matches a pattern will not be on your app after the deployment. This is not mandatory while deploying your app, so If there's no ``.tsuruignore`` on your app root directory, It'll deploy your normally. This is a example of a ``.tsuruignore`` file: .. highlight:: go :: . // e.g.: app.py *.py // any named file of this type of file app.* // any type of file with this name directory dir*ry // anything that matches these pieces of name dir/to/specific/path/. relative/dir/*/to/path // any directory that leads to