API reference¶
unbind service instance¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/{instance}/{app}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
list app certificates¶
- path: /apps/{app}/certificate
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
grant access to app¶
- path: /apps/{app}/teams/{team}
- method: PUT
- 200: Access granted
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App or team not found
- 409: Grant already exists
run commands¶
- path: /apps/{app}/run
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
set unit status¶
- path: /apps/{app}/units/{unit}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App or unit not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app log¶
- path: /apps/{app}/log
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app list¶
- path: /apps
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List apps
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
remove units¶
- path: /apps/{name}/units
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: Units removed
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Not enough reserved units
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
unset app certificate¶
- path: /apps/{app}/certificate
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
set envs¶
- path: /apps/{app}/env
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Envs updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
unset envs¶
- path: /apps/{app}/env
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: Envs removed
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
get envs¶
- path: /apps/{app}/env
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
bind service instance¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/{instance}/{app}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app update¶
- path: /apps/{name}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: App updated
- 400: Invalid new pool
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app stop¶
- path: /apps/{app}/stop
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
metric envs¶
- path: /apps/{app}/metric/envs
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
app sleep¶
- path: /apps/{app}/sleep
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app swap¶
- path: /swap
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
- 200: Ok
- 409: App locked
- 412: Number of units or platform don't match
app unlock¶
- path: /apps/{app}/lock
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 410: Not available anymore
register unit¶
- path: /apps/{app}/units/register
- produce: application/json
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
rebuild routes¶
- path: /apps/{app}/routes
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
set node status¶
- path: /node/status
- produce: application/json
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App or unit not found
- 401: Unauthorized
set cname¶
- path: /apps/{app}/cname
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
app restart¶
- path: /apps/{app}/restart
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
app start¶
- path: /apps/{app}/start
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
app version delete¶
- path: /apps/{app}/versions/{version}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Version not found
unset cname¶
- path: /apps/{app}/cname
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
set app certificate¶
- path: /apps/{app}/certificate
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove app¶
- path: /apps/{name}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: App removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
app create¶
- path: /apps
- produce: application/json
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: App created
- 403: Quota exceeded
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: App already exists
app log¶
- path: /apps/{app}/log
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
add units¶
- path: /apps/{name}/units
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Units added
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
revoke access to app¶
- path: /apps/{app}/teams/{team}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Access revoked
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: App or team not found
app info¶
- path: /apps/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
team update¶
- path: /teams/{name}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Team updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Team not found
- 401: Unauthorized
team info¶
- path: /teams/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Info team
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
user list¶
- path: /users
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
change password¶
- path: /users/password
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove team¶
- path: /teams/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Team removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
team create¶
- path: /teams
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Team created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Team already exists
user create¶
- path: /users
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: User created
- 403: Forbidden
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: User already exists
- path: /auth/login
- produce: application/json
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
get auth scheme¶
- path: /auth/scheme
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
regenerate token¶
- path: /users/api-key
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: User not found
reset password¶
- path: /users/{email}/password
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
team list¶
- path: /teams
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List teams
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
show token¶
- path: /users/api-key
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: User not found
user info¶
- path: /users/info
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- path: /users/tokens
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
remove user¶
- path: /users
- method: DELETE
- 200: User removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
list autoscale history¶
- path: /autoscale
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
autoscale run¶
- path: /autoscale/run
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
get autoscale config¶
- path: /autoscale/config
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
autoscale rules list¶
- path: /autoscale/rules
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
autoscale set rule¶
- path: /autoscale/rules
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
delete autoscale rule¶
- path: /autoscale/rules/{id}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
app build¶
- path: /apps/{appname}/build
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
list provisioners¶
- path: /provisioner
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No Content
create provisioner cluster¶
- path: /provisioner/clusters
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Pool does not exist
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Cluster already exists
update provisioner cluster¶
- path: /provisioner/clusters/{name}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Cluster not found
- 401: Unauthorized
list provisioner clusters¶
- path: /provisioner/clusters
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No Content
provisioner cluster info¶
- path: /provisioner/clusters/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Cluster not found
delete provisioner cluster¶
- path: /provisioner/clusters/{name}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Cluster not found
dump goroutines¶
- path: /debug/goroutines
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
deploy diff¶
- path: /apps/{appname}/diff
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 410: Gone
deploy info¶
- path: /deploys/{deploy}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
- path: /apps/{app}/deploy/rebuild
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
rollback update¶
- path: /apps/{app}/deploy/rollback/update
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Rollback updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
app deploy¶
- path: /apps/{appname}/deploy
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
- path: /apps/{app}/deploy/rollback
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
deploy list¶
- path: /deploys
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
event block list¶
- path: /events/blocks
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
add event block¶
- path: /events/blocks
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data or empty reason
- 401: Unauthorized
remove event block¶
- path: /events/blocks/{uuid}
- method: DELETE
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid uuid
- 404: Active block with provided uuid not found
- 401: Unauthorized
event list¶
- path: /events
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
kind list¶
- path: /events/kinds
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
event info¶
- path: /events/{uuid}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid uuid
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
event cancel¶
- path: /events/{uuid}/cancel
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid uuid or empty reason
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
- 204: OK
docker healing history¶
- path: /docker/healing
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 204: No content
- 401: Unauthorized
- path: /healthcheck
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 500: Internal server error
template update¶
- path: /iaas/templates/{template_name}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
machine list¶
- path: /iaas/machines
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
machine destroy¶
- path: /iaas/machines/{machine_id}
- method: DELETE
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
machine template list¶
- path: /iaas/templates
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
template create¶
- path: /iaas/templates
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Template created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Existent template
template destroy¶
- path: /iaas/templates/{template_name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
- path: /
- method: GET
- 200: OK
api info¶
- path: /info
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
add install host¶
- path: /install/hosts
- produce: application/json
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 201: Host added
- 401: Unauthorized
install host info¶
- path: /install/hosts/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not Found
list install hosts¶
- path: /install/hosts
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
remove node¶
- path: /{provisioner}/node/{address}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
list units by node¶
- path: /{provisioner}/node/{address}/containers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
- 204: No content
node healing update¶
- path: /healing/node
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
node info¶
- path: /node/{address}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
list units by app¶
- path: /docker/node/apps/{appname}/containers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
- 204: No content
node healing info¶
- path: /healing/node
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
remove node healing¶
- path: /healing/node
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
add node¶
- path: /node
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 201: Ok
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
list nodes¶
- path: /{provisioner}/node
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 204: No content
update nodes¶
- path: /{provisioner}/node
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
rebalance units in nodes¶
- path: /node/rebalance
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
remove node container list¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
node container create¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invald data
- 401: Unauthorized
node container info¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
node container update¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers/{name}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invald data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove node container¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
node container upgrade¶
- path: /docker/nodecontainers/{name}/upgrade
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invald data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove permission¶
- path: /roles/{name}/permissions/{permission}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Permission removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
assign role to token¶
- path: /roles/{name}/token
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role or team token not found
- 401: Unauthorized
assign role to user¶
- path: /roles/{name}/user
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role not found
- 401: Unauthorized
list permissions¶
- path: /permissions
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
list default roles¶
- path: /role/default
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
dissociate role from group¶
- path: /roles/{name}/group/{group_name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove role¶
- path: /roles/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Role removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Role not found
- 412: Role with users
role info¶
- path: /roles/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Role not found
add permissions¶
- path: /roles/{name}/permissions
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Permission not allowed
add default role¶
- path: /role/default
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
updates a role¶
- path: /roles
- method: PUT
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
dissociate role from user¶
- path: /roles/{name}/user/{email}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role not found
- 401: Unauthorized
dissociate role from token¶
- path: /roles/{name}/token/{token_id}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role or team token not found
- 401: Unauthorized
assign role to group¶
- path: /roles/{name}/group
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Role not found
- 401: Unauthorized
role create¶
- path: /roles
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Role created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Role already exists
role list¶
- path: /roles
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
remove default role¶
- path: /role/default
- method: DELETE
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
remove plan¶
- path: /plans/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Plan removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Plan not found
plan create¶
- path: /plans
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Plan created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Plan already exists
plan list¶
- path: /plans
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
add platform¶
- path: /platforms
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: multipart/form-data
- method: POST
- 200: Platform created
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
update platform¶
- path: /platforms/{name}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: PUT
- 200: Platform updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
remove platform¶
- path: /platforms/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Platform removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
platform list¶
- path: /platforms
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List platforms
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
platform info¶
- path: /platforms/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Platform info
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: NotFound
rollback platform¶
- path: /platforms/{name}/rollback
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: BadRequest
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
pool get¶
- path: /pools/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
add team too pool¶
- path: /pools/{name}/team
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Pool updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Pool not found
set a pool constraint¶
- path: /constraints
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
pool list¶
- path: /pools
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
pool create¶
- path: /pools
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Pool created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Pool already exists
remove pool¶
- path: /pools/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Pool removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Pool still has apps
- 404: Pool not found
remove team from pool¶
- path: /pools/{name}/team
- method: DELETE
- 200: Pool updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Pool not found
pool update¶
- path: /pools/{name}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Pool updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Pool not found
- 409: Default pool already defined
pool constraints list¶
- path: /constraints
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
application quota¶
- path: /apps/{app}/quota
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Application not found
update application quota¶
- path: /apps/{app}/quota
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Quota updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Limit lower than allocated
- 404: Application not found
- 401: Unauthorized
team quota¶
- path: /teams/{name}/quota
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Team not found
update team quota¶
- path: /teams/{name}/quota
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Quota updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Limit lower than allocated value
- 404: Team not found
- 401: Unauthorized
user quota¶
- path: /users/{email}/quota
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: User not found
update user quota¶
- path: /users/{email}/quota
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Quota updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Limit lower than allocated value
- 404: User not found
- 401: Unauthorized
router list¶
- path: /routers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
add app router¶
- path: /app/{app}/routers
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid request
- 404: App or router not found
update app router¶
- path: /app/{app}/routers/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: PUT
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid request
- 404: App or router not found
list app routers¶
- path: /app/{app}/routers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 204: No content
- 404: App not found
toggle an app version as routable¶
- path: /app/{app}/routable
- method: POST
- 200: OK
- 400: Bad request
- 404: App not found
- 401: Not authorized
router add¶
- path: /routers
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid router
- 201: Created
- 409: Router already exists
router delete¶
- path: /routers/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: OK
- 404: Router not found
router update¶
- path: /routers/{name}
- method: PUT
- 200: OK
- 400: Invalid router
- 404: Router not found
delete app router¶
- path: /app/{app}/routers/{router}
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 200: OK
- 404: App or router not found
saml metadata¶
- path: /auth/saml
- produce: application/xml
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
saml callback¶
- path: /auth/saml
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
units autoscale info¶
- path: /apps/{app}/units/autoscale
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
add unit auto scale¶
- path: /apps/{app}/units/autoscale
- consume: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: App not found
- 401: Unauthorized
remove unit auto scale¶
- path: /apps/{app}/units/autoscale
- consume: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: App not found
grant access to a service¶
- path: /services/{service}/team/{team}
- method: PUT
- 200: Service updated
- 400: Team not found
- 404: Service not found
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Team already has access to this service
revoke access to a service¶
- path: /services/{service}/team/{team}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Access revoked
- 400: Team not found
- 404: Service not found
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Team does not has access to this service
service list¶
- path: /services
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List services
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
service update¶
- path: /services/{name}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Service updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 403: Forbidden (team is not the owner)
- 404: Service not found
- 401: Unauthorized
service delete¶
- path: /services/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Service removed
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden (team is not the owner or service with instances)
- 404: Service not found
service proxy¶
- path: /services/proxy/service/{service}
- method: *
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service not found
service create¶
- path: /services
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Service created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Service already exists
change service documentation¶
- path: /services/{name}/doc
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Documentation updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden (team is not the owner or service with instances)
service broker list¶
- path: /brokers
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List service brokers
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
Add service broker¶
- path: /brokers
- method: POST
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Broker already exists
- 201: Service broker created
Update service broker¶
- path: /brokers/{broker}
- method: PUT
- 200: Service broker updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not Found
Delete service broker¶
- path: /brokers/{broker}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Service broker deleted
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not Found
service instance info¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/{instance}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service instance not found
revoke access to service instance¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/permission/{instance}/{team}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Access revoked
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service instance not found
service instance create¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 400: Invalid data
- 201: Service created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Service already exists
remove service instance¶
- path: /services/{name}/instances/{instance}
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- method: DELETE
- 200: Service removed
- 400: Bad request
- 404: Service instance not found
- 401: Unauthorized
service instance list¶
- path: /services/instances
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List services instances
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
service doc¶
- path: /services/{name}/doc
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
service instance proxy¶
- path: /services/{service}/proxy/{instance}
- method: *
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Instance not found
service info¶
- path: /services/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
service plans¶
- path: /services/{name}/plans
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service not found
grant access to service instance¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/permission/{instance}/{team}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Access granted
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service instance not found
service instance update¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/{instance}
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: PUT
- 200: Service instance updated
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Service instance not found
- 401: Unauthorized
service instance status¶
- path: /services/{service}/instances/{instance}/status
- method: GET
- 200: List services instances
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Service instance not found
app shell¶
- path: /apps/{name}/shell
- produce: Websocket connection upgrade
- method: GET
- 101: Switch Protocol to websocket
token delete¶
- path: /tokens/{token_id}
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 200: Token created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Token not found
token list¶
- path: /tokens
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List tokens
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
token info¶
- path: /tokens/{token_id}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Get token
- 401: Unauthorized
token create¶
- path: /tokens
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Token already exists
- 201: Token created
token update¶
- path: /tokens/{token_id}
- produce: application/json
- method: PUT
- 200: Token updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Token not found
volume plan list¶
- path: /volumeplans
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List volume plans
- 401: Unauthorized
volume bind¶
- path: /volumes/{name}/bind
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Volume binded
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Volume not found
- 409: Volume bind already exists
volume unbind¶
- path: /volumes/{name}/bind
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 200: Volume unbinded
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Volume not found
volume info¶
- path: /volumes/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Show volume
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Volume not found
volume create¶
- path: /volumes
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 401: Unauthorized
- 409: Volume already exists
- 201: Volume created
volume delete¶
- path: /volumes/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: DELETE
- 200: Volume deleted
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Volume not found
volume list¶
- path: /volumes
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List volumes
- 401: Unauthorized
- 204: No content
volume update¶
- path: /volumes/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: POST
- 200: Volume updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Volume not found
webhook list¶
- path: /events/webhooks
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: List webhooks
- 204: No content
webhook info¶
- path: /events/webhooks/{name}
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Get webhook
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not found
webhook create¶
- path: /events/webhooks
- method: POST
- 200: Webhook created
- 401: Unauthorized
- 400: Invalid webhook
- 409: Webhook already exists
webhook update¶
- path: /events/webhooks/{name}
- method: PUT
- 200: Webhook updated
- 401: Unauthorized
- 400: Invalid webhook
- 404: Webhook not found
webhook delete¶
- path: /events/webhooks/{name}
- method: DELETE
- 200: Webhook deleted
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Webhook not found
logs config set¶
- path: /docker/logs
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 401: Unauthorized
move container¶
- path: /docker/container/{id}/move
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized
logs config¶
- path: /docker/logs
- produce: application/json
- method: GET
- 200: Ok
- 401: Unauthorized
move containers¶
- path: /docker/containers/move
- produce: application/x-json-stream
- consume: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- method: POST
- 200: Ok
- 400: Invalid data
- 404: Not found
- 401: Unauthorized