.. Copyright 2016 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deploying Docker Image applications +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Overview ======== This document is a hands-on guide to deploy a simple Docker Image web application. Creating the app ================ To create an app, you need to use the command `app-create`: .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app-create For Docker Images, doesn't exist a specific platform, but we can use ``static``! Let's be over creative and develop a hello world tutorial-app, let's call it "helloworld": .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app-create helloworld static To list all available platforms, use the command `platform-list`. You can see all your applications using the command `app-list`: .. highlight:: bash :: $ tsuru app-list +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Application | Units State Summary | Address | +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | helloworld | 0 of 0 units in-service | helloworld. | +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ Application code ================ A simple `Dockerfile`: .. highlight:: Dockerfile :: FROM golang RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app ADD . /app/ RUN go build . ENTRYPOINT ./app A simple web application in Go `main.go`: .. highlight:: go :: package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" ) func main() { c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) go func(){ for sig := range c { if sig == os.Interrupt || sig == os.Kill { os.Exit(1) } } }() http.HandleFunc("/", hello) fmt.Println("running on "+os.Getenv("PORT")) http.ListenAndServe(":"+os.Getenv("PORT"), nil) } func hello(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintln(res, "hello, world!") } Building the image ================== .. highlight:: bash :: docker login registry.myserver.com docker build -t registry.myserver.com/image-name . Don't forget the dot(.) at the end of the command, this indicates where the Dockerfile is placed Sending the image to registry ============================= .. highlight:: bash :: docker push registry.myserver.com/image-name Docker Image deployment ======================= After pushing your image to your Docker image registry, you can do the deploy using the command `tsuru app-deploy -i`. .. highlight:: bash :: tsuru app-deploy -i registry.myserver.com/image-name -a helloworld .. note:: This image should be in a registry and be accessible by the nodes. Image should also have a Entrypoint or a Procfile at given paths, / or /app/user/ or /home/application/current Running the application ======================= Now that the app is deployed, you can access it from your browser, getting the IP or host listed in ``app-list`` and opening it. For example, in the list below: :: $ tsuru app-list +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Application | Units State Summary | Address | +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | helloworld | 1 of 1 units in-service | helloworld. | +-------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ It's done! Now we have a simple Docker image project deployed on tsuru. Now we can access your app in the URL displayed in `app-list` ("helloworld." in this case). Going further ============= For more information, you can dig into `tsuru docs `_, or read `complete instructions of use for the tsuru command `_.