.. Copyright 2018 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ========================== tsurud 1.5.0 release notes ========================== Welcome to tsurud 1.5.0! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features `, :ref:`bug fixes `. For a complete list of changes, `check our 1.5.0 github milestone `_. .. _new-1.5.0: New features ============ Kubernetes Ingress/Service router --------------------------------- `Kubernetes-router `_ is an standalone project that is fully compatible with tsuru Router API and aims to manage kubernetes services and ingresses resources for a given app. This can be used to leverage cloud Load Balancers. App Build (`#1521 `_) ----------------------------------------------------------------- This feature adds support for a new workflow for deploying applications to tsuru. This decouples the build and the deploy step, allowing the user to build an application image and deploying it at a later time. This also makes easier to reuse an app image across different applications, e.g: 1. Build app1-dev image 2. Deploy app1-dev using the built image 3. Test the application in a dev environment 4. Deploy the same image to app1-prod Other improvements ================== * Support for different schemes in app healthcheck * Several improvements to the Kubernetes provisioner, including: * Support for memory overcommit (`10722bf `_ and `5b5cfe8 `_) * Use app healthcheck as liveness probe (`a5aa11a `_) * Support for non persistent volumes (`8bbe524 `_) * Support for running tsuru API listening both http and https (`29b3760 `_) * Clean old application images in background (`db68000 `_) .. _bug-1.5.0: Bug fixes ========= * Correctly sets router healthcheck in Kubernetes/Swarm provisioners `#1893 `_ * Validates pool existence before adding a cluster `#1696 `_ * Adds confirmation upon cluster removal `#1777 `_