.. Copyright 2017 tsuru authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ++++++++ Clusters ++++++++ Cluster is a concept introduced in tsuru-server 1.2 and allows registering existing clusters of external provisioners in tsuru. Currently, external clusters can be registered to ``kubernetes`` provisioner. Clusters can either have a default flag or have multiple assigned pool. tsuru will use this information to decide which cluster will be used when interacting with a pool. When a cluster is registered in tsuru it means that it becomes visible to the provisioner as a source of information on nodes and units for applications. It also become available as a possible destination for the creation of the resources necessary to deploy or scale an application. See :doc:`provisioners ` for details on which resources are created for each provisioner. To manipulate clusters the client commands ``tsuru cluster-add``, ``tsuru cluster-list``, ``tsuru cluster-update`` and ``tsuru cluster-remove`` can be used. You can find more information about them in the `client documentation `_ or `terraform documentation `_.