
Tsuru uses schedulers to chooses which node an unit should be deployed. There are two schedulers: round robin and segregate scheduler.

Segregate scheduler

Segregate scheduler is a scheduler that segregates the units between nodes by team.

irst, what you need to do is to define a relation between nodes and teams. And then, the scheduler deploys the app unit on the node related to its team.

  • team1 -> node1
  • team2 -> node3
  • others -> fallback (node4)

Configuration and setup

To use the segregate scheduler you shoud enable the segregate mode in tsuru.conf and make sure that the details about the scheduler storage (redis) is also configured:

  segregate: true
    redis-prefix: docker-cluster

Adding a node

You can use the tsr to add nodes:

$ tsr docker-add-node someid http://localhost:4243 myteam

Adding a fallback node

To add a fallback, you just need to add a node without team:

$ tsr docker-add-node someid http://localhost:4243

Removing a node

You can use the tsr to remove nodes:

$ tsr docker-rm-node xxx
Node successfully removed.

List nodes

Just use docker-list-nodes to list nodes:

$ tsr docker-list-nodes
| ID   | Address               | Team             |
| fall | http://localhost:4243 |                  |
| xpto | http://localhost:4243 | xpto             |