tsr 0.3.0 release notes¶
Welcome to tsr 0.3.0!
These release notes cover the new features and backwards incompatible changes you’ll want to be aware of when upgrading from Tsuru 0.2.x or older versions.
What’s new in tsr 0.3.0¶
Support Docker 0.7.x and other improvements¶
- Fixed the 42 layers problem.
- Support all Docker storages.
- Pull image on creation if it does not exists.
- BUGFIX: when using segregatedScheduler, the provisioner fails to get the proper host address.
- BUGFIX: units losing access to services on deploy bug.
Collector ticker time is configurable¶
Now you can define the collector ticker time. To do it just set on tsuru.conf:
ticker-time: 120
The default value is 60 seconds.
Other improvements and bugfixes¶
- unit-remove does not block util all units are removed.
- BUGFIX: send on closed channel: https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru/issues/624.
- Api handler that returns information about all deploys.
- Refactored quota backend.
- New lisp platform. Thanks to Nick Ricketts.
Backwards incompatible changes¶
Tsuru 0.3.0 handles quota in a brand new way. Users upgrading from 0.2.x need to run a migration script in the database. There are two scripts available: one for installations with quota enabled and other for installations without quota.
The easiest script is recommended for environments where quota is disabled, you’ll need to run just a couple of commands in MongoDB:
% mongo tsuru
MongoDB shell version: x.x.x
connecting to: tsuru
> db.users.update({}, {$set: {quota: {limit: -1}}});
> db.apps.update({}, {$set: {quota: {limit: -1}}});
In environments where quota is enabled, the script is longer, but still simple:
db.quota.find().forEach(function(quota) {
if(quota.owner.indexOf("@") > -1) {
db.users.update({email: quota.owner}, {$set: {quota: {limit: quota.limit, inuse: quota.items.length}}});
} else {
db.apps.update({name: quota.owner}, {$set: {quota: {limit: quota.limit, inuse: quota.items.length}}});
db.apps.update({quota: null}, {$set: {quota: {limit: -1}}}); db.users.update({quota: null}, {$set: {quota: {limit: -1}}}); db.quota.remove()
The best way to run it is saving it to a file and invoke MongoDB with the file parameter:
% mongo tsuru <filename.js>